Brass tax, what's the real reason to get Gilded?
I mean, lets just cut to the chase right? I've already explained what an aggregate carrier firm is, but why should businesses actually choose our firm when procuring their IT and carrier services? Aside from having contacts at every major carrier and great partnerships with IT service companies, the bottom line is that we send tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars to these companies monthly or annually depending on who we're talking about. They make a lot of money dealing with our agents and interconnects nationwide and it could be said that we tend to get some special attention when asking for proposals. That attention also extends to when we may have to call on behalf of a customer who might be having an issue with their infrastructure or services. At the end of the day, they love doing business with us because we increase their customer base exponentially, regardless of who our clients choose to have as their service provider. And keep in mind, this isn't just with your basic telecom carrier, this is also consistent with our cloud providers, data center providers, and disaster recovery solutions.
This is our business. Just like your company will typically move volume on whatever your specialty or focus may be, our affiliates move massive volume to providers. So when you choose to work with us, you're working with a company that pushes capital dynamically to those who will be providing you services in the future. Just that simple benefit alone outweighs anything a small or medium business could hope to attain on their own. That's really all there is to it, there's no great mystery as to how we achieve what we achieve. Let us use our contacts and our industry reputation as a master agent to get you the deal and prices you deserve. We've built our entire business on servicing your's. And the absolute best thing about that? You typically save thousands a year when we get you these deals depending on the scope of your organization. Not bad.
Don't go it alone, we get the deals we get for a reason. Let us get a great one for you.