What is an aggregate carrier firm?
Because if you've explored the site a bit, you would know that this is essentially what we are. So what does that mean for you exactly? Well, quite simply it means we don't play favorites. It means that I don't work for or with any particular company exclusively to try and get you a lackluster business contract. In fact, it means the exact opposite. Being an aggregate/agnostic carrier firm means I have the freedom to explore far more options with my clients. Many business owners and upper managers believe if they need critical data services they just have to call their local exchange carriers and hope for the best. They don't have anyone available who is already well aware of what these large data merchants are offering. They're also unaware that master agents like Gilded Pendulum can often times give their clients amazing deals that these company's own sales associates don't even have access to. They're not allowed to sell them! It cuts into company profits!
Don't get bullied into overpaying
Why? Because they know that with an aggregate firm like ours, you have options and lots of them. They know that we have access to the great rate structure deals that they don't tell direct inquiries about. Most will just be told about the typical "specials of the month" or simply outbid the bid from another high priced competitor. Carriers and vendors know that we know, that when a potential client calls them for business services, that carrier will typically start at the absolute highest rates and attempt a negotiation from that starting point. That's an extremely difficult way of procuring the services you need for your business to function. Gilded Pendulum will bypass all of the absurdity and get down to brass tax with real deals, real cost-benefit analysis, telecom audits, and then like precise placement of a puzzle piece, place your organization intricately into the best possible scenario for streamlining your data and saving you the money and hassle of dealing with people who can only sell you THEIR product.
This is why our consultations are worth their weight in gold. You don't even have to tell us what you were quoted because it doesn't matter. We work outside those initial boundaries from the very start.