Call Routing Can Make You Millions...
People always freak out when I say that, but I've seen it happen in real time. If you had 3 salesman and 1 could close 95% of all calls, the other was decent and could close 3 out of 5, and the third just enough to keep his job.....who would you rather that call go to?
Image: Vadim Sadovski
That's more or less the thing. And if you have a high paying client calling into your organization for the first time, they want information and consultations setup FAST! They don't want to be transferred 3 or 4 different times.
This is how you lose money. If someone or something needs a problem solved, they're not going to wait around for you to get them to the right person. They're going to hang up and call your competition.
Do you know how precisely I can nail down your call routing? If someone calls into your organization to inquire about service, I can get them to that first sales engineer we discussed immediately, in seconds. He'll setup that consultation or just close them right there in minutes. That could've been a million dollar phone call.
If your boiler room phone guy didn't do a deep dive on your call routing, you're leaving money on the table. The larger companies get, the more bloated their department personnel become. If you don't know how to get your mission critical people on the line immediately, you absolutely will lose opportunity after opportunity.
What good is advertising with a marketing budget if you can't get your mission critical people to close deals for you or your support staff to service your current clients? If your hunt groups are garbage, so is your close rate and client satisfaction. This is just one of the many things Gilded does to ensure you truly take advantage of what you're paying for.
Welcome to the attention economy.
For Your Sanity,
#callrouting #huntgroups #autoattendant #ucaas #ccaas #1anddone