What's the Entire Point of Managed Services???
A lot of companies have IT departments and IT professionals. Some even have sales engineers who are focused on selling their particular tech product. These things are all fine and good and it’s great to have technical professionals who can handle complex situations regarding infrastructure and other things because those types of issues are absolutely vital in day to day operations. Always have been, always will be. But there are some instances where it’s just better to have specialized individuals with years, often times decades of experience on one particular aspect of the telecom industry. This is where managed service providers come in to handle these types of things. These are the people they have on their staff at all times that are there to use precision and drill down into highly complex issues that a local IT department probably isn’t as familiar with.
In fact, very few companies have entire teams of experts that specialize in managing cloud infrastructure, security, web content platforms, databases, containers, email and collaboration applications, disaster recovery, and IT transformation. When you have specialized, managed teams like those listed, the organization or corporation can focus on their core business. This is often stated ad nauseum in the industry but few really grasp the gravity of what that entails and how much time it frees up for not just you the business owner but also your entire staff. How much is your actual time worth and how much would you pay to have more of it? So choosing the correct managed partner who not only has years of experience, but who has also dealt with the exact same infrastructure you’re using, cloud or otherwise and can correct major issues that could otherwise cause massive outages if not caught in time is certainly worth the cost of admission.
So that all sounds fine and good along with making perfect sense, but then comes the hard part of actually find a deal in the tech landscape of service providers. Whose having deals this month? This quarter? Is there a better deal coming along if you wait? Is there a superb deal waiting for you if you turn up service today? These are all the reasons why businesses need master agents to source these deals and then custom fit the entire solution to the business. What most people do is perform a cursory google search for what they need, gets tons of pages of ads and search results, and from there attempt to find a needle in a haystack that is the deal itself. Chances are you won’t find one that works for what you need, and an even higher chance that you’re overpaying for it under the guise of them making it look like an actual deal.
Sourcing deals is what Gilded Pendulum does, and we have over 200 providers to source them from that often times only give us as a master agent, these types of offerings. We build relationships not only with our clients but with our providers. When businesses call these providers directly, they’ll be sold only what that sales agent is allowed to sell them. There’s no negotiation, only a set list of what they can offer and if that doesn’t fit what you need or is too much of what you don’t need, you’ll have to keep dialing and HOPE you find someone who can offer what you need at a price that sounds fair. But is it a deal? You’ll probably never know for sure and the probability in this business, is that is probably isn’t.
So when you’re looking for a managed service provider for just about anything you’d require, look into hiring a master agent to find it for you. Not a company that resells two or three products and tries to close you on a deal, but instead a company that offers an entire arsenal of products who already knows where the deals are for this month or this quarter. It’s worth the consultation fee to save hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year depending on your needs.