Inevitable Inflation and the Goldback...
So I pay pretty close attention to all things financial. It’s saved me in the past from some pretty hard hits to my investments and I’m always looking for the next hedge when I need it. As of right now, the FED has wholeheartedly admitted to keeping the money printing press running nonstop despite the level of inflation that will ultimately occur. Many are already saying that because of this the dollar is in free fall (or getting close). If you’ve read my book “Crypto Four Eleven” 95% of everything I wrote about within it’s pages has come true. Here’s a nice graph showing just how profound quantitative easing has become starting in 2020.
This is absolutely ludicrous. This image indicates to me how the middle class could very well be wiped out with such irresponsible behavior. The outcome of this can lead to a few things but massive unemployment would certainly be one of the intended or unintended (depends how you view the world) consequences. What might then happen can be the introduction of universal basic income in the form of a digital Fedcoin (think crypto but sinister). The Fedcoin itself hasn’t been announced yet but it’s very possible. This can then force people into accepting negative interest rates, i.e. free money that may have an expiration date forcing you to spend it. This then allows the bankers to stimulate the ponzi-scheme economy for a lot longer. The consumer price inflation will further damage the real economy and wipe out larger and larger swaths of the middle class. That in turn will cause even more people into going on U.B.I. damaging the economy infinitely. It becomes a vicious circle that will ultimately enslave people to a digital fiat currency while also having to pay down the debts they incur with the same financial vehicle. This Fedcoin will allow the government to see exactly what you’re buying while also telling you exactly how to spend it. And if the bankers control this currency digitally they can dictate what you’re allowed to buy and what you aren’t.
Sounds crazy, I know. But I also know that total control is what the financial system is all about, always has been. Most Americans don’t even have $5,000 in any form of savings or emergency money. And even if they did, this level of inflation will consistently devalue what they have with the insane printing of money we’re seeing at the moment. I would also speculate that allowing you to buy gold, silver, or other tangible assets will be strictly forbidden. It also means that dissenters can be cut off from the system entirely. This is already happening in China with their digital currency testing.
Enter the Goldback. I’m a big advocate of being your own bank and these are essentially thin, flexible rectangular gold coins. Whether that means you’re out there buying and storing crypto or stacking gold and silver in a vault or locked up in your home somewhere. The tangible asset will always retain it’s value. That value might fluctuate, but it can never be inflated into nothing.
Remember during the Weimar Republic when we saw just how worthless paper money could end up being?
We may very well be at the same tipping point now. So what is a Goldback? Well, quite simply it’s fractional gold in the form of a tangible currency that follows the spot gold price that you can literally use to buy things. Larger companies aren’t too hip on this yet but your local small businesses are starting to love it. They’re taking gold payment that they can keep and spend themselves in exchange for their own products and services or just hold onto. This is an extremely high-tech form of value. A machine literally imprints gold onto the plastic sheet at the atomic level which makes them incredibly difficult to even attempt to counterfeit, and it’s beautiful looking currency!
Have a look:
At the moment these fractional shares of gold are at $3.71 per 1 unit as of this writing. So the 1 denomination is $3.71. For the 5 you would multiply that price by 5 equaling $18.55. For the 10, multiply by 10 for $37.10 and so on. So these aren’t gold certificates (a promise to pay gold when surrendered to a bank), these are made of actual gold, and if you melted them down you would be able to turn them into ingots if you so desired. They’re very real and I love them. Currently the states that have them as “voluntary currency” meaning it’s up to the person receiving it whether they choose to take it, have been Utah, Nevada, New Hampshire, and next up is Wyoming. You now have a very affordable way to not only buy gold to protect against dollar collapse, but you can also use it in manageable increments to buy things you need in your day to day life! It’s quite literally Armageddon money for what may be an impending collapse of global fiat.
As I’ve ventured around town to patronize my local small businesses (being a small business owner myself I like to help out my business community) the reception for these have been very well received! Not only are they astounding to look at but once people understand their purpose they start to garner the same excitement I have. And although these are considered voluntary currency in the states they’re made for, it’s gold folks, you can spend them anywhere a merchant allows you to. I read a story recently about a gentleman up in Washington whose been spending Nevada Goldbacks in his local city and the people love them. He’s even been getting top notch service at restaurants because the waiting staff know they’ll be tipped with these.
So with everything going on in the financial world right now, this is a great addition for regular people to protect some of their wealth with a great looking tangible asset that will always hold value akin to it’s fractional gold price. The premium is a bit higher due to the labor involved in creating them, but due to the technical advances that have been accomplished in the last few years (2019 to be exact) these went from only being able to be produced at a 400% premium down to a nice 70% premium making them far more available to everyone. It’s incredibly dangerous to ignore what’s going on in the country right now and the fiscal policies that can very well lead millions of people to financial ruin. There’s no reason I can think of why buying and holding onto some of these isn’t a nice hedge for you and your family’s future. And of course explore other avenues as well! Buy gold coins and gold bars. Buy the same in silver. Dedicate 30% of your portfolio to bitcoin. Grab some ethereum or litecoin as well.
At the end of the day preparation is paramount with what I’m seeing. The above images speak for themselves. As of this writing, Gilded Pendulum is now also accepting Goldbacks for our consultation fees.
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay solvent.
Learn more about Goldbacks here
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